A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.

Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.

Displaying 901 - 950 of 1,762

 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:
Nathan kobuckLongrifles, pistols and fowlersTreatyelmtraders@gmail.com
Aaron Koehler-MarshAaron Koehler-Marsh FlintlocksLongrifles, pistols and fowlersaaronkoehlermarsh@gmail.com
Christopher KohlerGeneral Artworkcdkohler@comcast.net
leon komsaGeneral Artworklkomsa@aol.com
leon komsaomega shielding productsGeneral Artworklkomsa@omegashielding.com
John A. KonkleLongrifles, pistols and fowlersriflemaker@webtv.net
Samuel B. KoontzNAGeneral Artworktjhs63@verizon.net
James KornackiGeneral Artworkks4du@yahoo.com
Daniel KosGeneral Artworkdjkos1@embarqmail.com
Nate KovalLongrifles, pistols and fowlersnjk686@yahoo.com
Mark kowalczykGeneral Artworkmarkek@FLASH.NET
Scott KretschmerKretschmer ShopsLocksmithscott@kretschmershops.com
James J. KruseLongrifles, pistols and fowlerskruse@acsalaska.net
Timothy KubicaMinnetoska de Lac 18th cen. AccoutrementsTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingstimothy.kubica@yahoo.com
Thomas KuglinGeneral Artworkpunjab55@sbcglobal.net
Mike KurthNew Dawn Trading CompanyGeneral ArtworkLocksley@charter.net
Marshall KuykendallGeneral Artworkbmkuy@austin.rr.com
Dave KuyperLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Glen KyserLongrifles, pistols and fowlersglenkkyser@yahoo.com
Glen LaChapelleOld Sage Trading PostLongrifles, pistols and fowlersOldsagetraders@aol.com
Cptn. Carl LaFongGeneral Artworkc.inder3@shaw.ca
Gary LaGuireGeneral Artworkglaguire@sbcglobal.net
Art LainLongrifles, pistols and fowlersartlain45@gmail.com
Eric LairdGeneral Artworktelaird@embarqmail.com
Steven LalioffPainting and printssteven@lalioff.com
Brian C. LaMasterLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Fenwick K. LambertLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Ric LambertGeneral Artworkric@rlambertstudio.com
Daniel LampingHunting bags and powder hornsdlamping@centurytel.net
Greg & Kathy LampingFlat Spot In The TrailHunting bags and powder hornsdog@lewiscounty.com
Daniel LampingWeavingdlamping@centurytel.net
David LandisGeneral Artworkvalleywarmuseum@yahoo.com
Darrel Langleatherfromthepast.blogspot.comHunting bags and powder hornsDLTimber@hotmail.com
Darrel LangLeather from the PastHunting bags and powder hornsDLTimber@hotmail.com
Gary LangleyLongrifles, pistols and fowlersLangleycustomcues@yahoo.com
Earl LanningLongrifles, pistols and fowlersearl1776@charter.net
Earl LanningGeneral Artworkearl1932@gmail.com
Lee LarkinHunting bags and powder hornsleealarkin@gmail.com
Lee LarkinLee Larkin, HornerHunting bags and powder hornsleealarkin@gmail.com
Rick LarnerdGobbler Knob LongriflesLongrifles, pistols and fowlersgobblerknoblongrifles@gmail.com
Curt LarsenGeneral Artworklarsencurt@msn.com
Brad LarsonGeneral Artworklarsonviking@aol.com
Brad LarsonGeneral Artworklarsonviking@aol.com
Harold LaryGeneral Artworkhlary@entergy.com
Steve LasleySteves Hunting PouchesHunting bags and powder hornsStevespouches@yahoo.com
Brian LasterGeneral Artworkbrianlaster@gmail.com
Christopher LaubachLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscjlaubach@coloniallongrifles.com
Jon LaubachLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjdlaubach@hotmail.com
Bo LaveaultBlackbear SignworksGeneral ArtworkBlackbearsignworks@maine.rr.com
Lester LawrenceGeneral Artworkcla@longrifle.com
 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: