A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.
Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.
Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:David Madary General Artwork davemadary@comcast.net David Macklem Thistle Glen General Artwork picmack@gmail.com Colin MacCrea http://cmacsflints.blogspot.com Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cmaccrea@frontier.com Garrett MacAdams General Artwork oobuckshotz@aol.com Walter Mabry Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Robert Lytle Artisanbooks LLC Longrifles, pistols and fowlers rob.jana.lytle@gmail.com Curt Lyles www.cdlyles.com Longrifles, pistols and fowlers clram@bnin.net David Lutz Hunting bags and powder horns cla@longrifle.com Ken Lutes The Wooden Anvil Shop General Artwork Ken.lutes@me.com Ken Lutes General Artwork ken.lutes1849@gmail.com Dane (Smallpatch) Lund Flint And Steel Longrifles, pistols and fowlers smallpatch@q.com Dane Lund Longrifles, pistols and fowlers smallpatch1950@gmail.com Jeff Luke PoBoy Gear Hunting bags and powder horns poboygear@gmail.com Gary Ludwig Hunting bags and powder horns galudwig243@gmail.com Gary Ludwig Longrifles, pistols and fowlers galudwig243@gmail.com Ronald Luckenbill Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Ronald Luckenbill Recreating History Muzzleloaders Longrifles, pistols and fowlers luckenbill@recreatinghistory.com Carson Lucena CL Bladesmithing Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings clbladesmithing@gmail.com Carson Lucena CL Bladssmithing Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings clbladesmithing@gmail.com Frederick Lucas MacGillies Mercantile General Artwork lucas.fred@gmail.com Timothy Lubenesky General Artwork jacobsburg@aol.com William C. Loyd Turtle River Outfitters Longrifles, pistols and fowlers hist4uloyd@aol.com Mark Loudenslager General Artwork mdlouden@aol.com Steve Losey www.loseyfirearms.com Longrifles, pistols and fowlers lowcsp@citizens-tel.net Rick Lorenzen General Artwork ricklorenzen@hotmail.com Rick Lorenzen Hunting bags and powder horns rickpsalm91@gmail.com Jeffrey Lore’ N/A Longrifles, pistols and fowlers evangelistjefflore@hotmail.com Alan Longmire Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings Alan.Longmire@tn.gov Alan Longmire State of Franklin Blacksmith's Guild Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings ALongmire4@gmail.com Crawford Long General Artwork cjclong@hotmail.com Mike Long Brookenz resale Longrifles, pistols and fowlers dado.long@gmail.com William LoMeli General Artwork medbill411@gmail.com Iron John Logan Iron Tree Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings ironjohnlogan@gmail.com Iron John Logan Iron Tree Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings ironjohnlogan@gmail.com William R. Loftin General Artwork WildBillLoftin@aol.com Steve Lodding Longrifles, pistols and fowlers patentbreech1@embarqmail.com Ralph Livingston Longrifles, pistols and fowlers rliv@jamadots.com Kyle Lively Hunting bags and powder horns mylivelybags@hotmail.com John D. Little Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Keith Lisle www.CustomMuzzleloaders.com General Artwork Birddogsix@yahoo.com Amanda Lipps Common Ground Pottery Pottery common.ground@frontier.com Stephen Lindley General Artwork Stephenlindle@Verizon.net Albert Lincoln General Artwork allincoln@outlook.com Jeffery Lignitz Retired General Artwork killbuck@live.com Daniel Light Spirit of the Frontier General Artwork danl@cftoday.org Bob Lienemann General Artwork blienemann@att.net Bob Lienemann General Artwork bobl@centurylink.net gordon liechti General Artwork gdliechti@gmail.com Thomas Lewis General Artwork tdelewis@zoominternet.net Herman Levy General Artwork levy912@bellsouth.net Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: