A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.
Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.
Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:Gary hagness General Artwork garyhagness@polarcomm.com Rick Hackler General Artwork rvhackle@indiana.edu Lowell Haarer Longrifles, pistols and fowlers lowellhaarer@juno.com Wade Haakenson Deapolis Reproductions General Artwork wadehaakenson@hotmail.com Nate H General Artwork easternlonghunter42@gmail.com Nate H Hunting bags and powder horns Nate H Hunting bags and powder horns easternlonghunter42@gmail.com Adam Gwin Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Adam Gwin Adam Gwin Fine Furniture Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Adam@gwinfinefurniture.com Ken Guy http://tennesseehogrifle.com/ Longrifles, pistols and fowlers tnken@windstream.net Dave Gutshall General Artwork lisandave121_3@hotmail.com Jerry Gutchess Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Wallace Gusler Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Brent Gurtek French River Muzzleloaders, LLC Longrifles, pistols and fowlers bgurtek@gmail.com Brent Gurtek French River Muzzle Loaders Longrifles, pistols and fowlers bgurtek@gmail.com Richard L. Guild General Artwork richguild@earthlink.net John Guido Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Johnguido@comcast.net Joel Guerin General Artwork joel.guerin@qx.net Randy Grunkemeyer RG Gunsmithing Longrifles, pistols and fowlers grunkrsj@frontier.com Robert Grundman Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Buster Grubbs Shady Rest Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings srforge@gmail.com Robert Grubb General Artwork longbeardsprimitives@yahoo.com Daniel Groninger General Artwork dsgroninger@embarqmail.com Thomas Groller Longrifles, pistols and fowlers grolls1@hotmail.com Tom Griswold General Artwork t.griswold@insightbb.com Greg Grimes Trail Creek Trade Company General Artwork trailcreektrade@sbcglobal.net Brian Griffith Longrifles, pistols and fowlers briangriffith00@gmail.com Robert Griffing Painting and prints cla@longrifle.com Richard Greiner Sr. Maple Wood Forge General Artwork maplewoodforge@yahoo.com Tim Greene Bay Colony Educators General Artwork carolat214@aol.com Donald Greenawalt Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Thomas and Dawn Green The Green Weavers General Artwork tgreen130@aol.com David Green Hunting bags and powder horns davidgreen63@charter.net Thomas Greco Hunting bags and powder horns flintlock52@yahoo.com Thomas Greco General Artwork flintlock52@yahoo.com tom grant General Artwork tom@lewis-cpa.com Evan Granger Longrifles, pistols and fowlers Christopher Graham Hunting bags and powder horns cjgraham36@gmail.com Tanner Graham Turtle Creek Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings turtlecreekforge@gmail.com Jim Graf General Artwork tristan56@verizon.net Lance Grabowski LanceGrabowski.com General Artwork lancegrabowski2191@gmail.com jim gossett retired General Artwork wrc4440@aol.com Craig Perry Goss Bourquin Blades Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings bourquinblades@yahoo.com Craig Perry Goss Bourquin Blades. Hunting bags and powder horns bourquinblades@yahoo.com Paul Gosnell General Artwork gosnellpaul@aol.com Sam Gorham Longrifles, pistols and fowlers g9o8r7h6@yahoo.com Justin Gordon www.ElwinDesigns.com Longrifles, pistols and fowlers justingordon@comcast.net Michael Goodwin General Artwork woodsman04679@yahoo.com Gordon Goodermote N/A General Artwork ggoodermot@aol.com ed good General Artwork gded14@yahoo.com Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: