A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.

Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.

Displaying 101 - 150 of 1,762

 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:
Robert weilGeneral Artworkrobertweil@earthlink.net
Stephen WehuntGeneral Artworkstevewehunt@bellsouth.net
Jack WeeksHunting bags and powder hornsjlwweeks@gmail.com
Howard WeeksGeneral Artworkmorrison2709@aol.com
Howard WeeksN/ATomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsmorrison2709@aol.com
Howard WeeksRetiredTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsmorrison2709@aol.com
John WeeksJack Weeks Two Ravens Leather WorkHunting bags and powder hornsjlwweeks@gmail.com
Howard WeeksTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsmorrison2709@aol.com
Shawn WebsterWebster QuillworkQuillworkswquiller@yahoo.com
Jim WebbGeneral Artworkjimwebb@embarqmail.com
Jim WebbGeneral Artworksunflowersusie@outlook.com
Donna WeaverWax PortraitsGeneral ArtworkDeeWeaver@embarqmail.com
Donna WeaverD. Weaver, Wax PortraitsGeneral Artworkdw1836@embarqmail.com
Brian WeaverIronfeather creativeLongrifles, pistols and fowlersBrianweaver59@gmail.com
Tim WeaverGeneral Artworktweaver@cdlex.org
Tim WeaverMcClelland's Fort Trading PostHunting bags and powder hornstweaver6816@gmail.com
Tim WeaverMcClelland's Fort Trading PostHunting bags and powder hornstweaver6816@gmail.com
Tim WeaverMcClelland's Fort Trading PostHunting bags and powder hornstweaver6816@gmail.com
Tim WeaverMcClelland's Fort Trading PostHunting bags and powder hornstweaver6816@gmail.com
Jenn WeaverWeaver's NestWeavingjweaversnest@gmail.com
Lester Weatherbee, Jr.General Artworklmweatherbee@metrocast.net
Michael WayneGeneral Artworkmjwayne@charter.net
Robert WattGeneral Artworksuzkat11@penn.com
Wayne P. WatsonLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Joey WatersGeneral Artworklwaters27@embarqmail.com
Joey WatersTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingscajunjoe27@icloud.com
Chris WashackHemlock Hollow FloorclothsGeneral Artworkcdwashack@hotmail.com
Gerard WashackGeneral Artworkharley2002@epix.net
Doug Warrenfacebook bear creek trade co.General Artworkdougwarren1969@gmail.com
Douglas WarrenDouglas WarrenGeneral Artworkmakeporr@yahoo.com
Chris R. WarnerLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Kenneth WareGeneral Artworkkenware1@bellsouth.net
Paul WaltersGeneral Artworkwalters2@comcast.net
lloyd walstonGeneral Artworksammy716@embarqmail.com
Michael WalshGeneral Artworkmkwalsh@ntelos.net
Charles WallingfordCW KnivesTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingscwknives@aol.com
Stan WallacePainting and printscla@longrifle.com
Stan WallacePainting and printsmemanow48@hotmail.com
Jim WallaceLongrifles, pistols and fowlerswallberries@yahoo.com
Larry WalkerJ.J.Henry ArtificersLongrifles, pistols and fowlersj.henry.artificers@mac.com
Donald WalkerLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
mike walkerGeneral Artworklongrifle47@yahoo.com
christopher walkerLongrifles, pistols and fowlersflamedmaple54@yahoo.com
Randall WaldripRnK Fine FirearmsLongrifles, pistols and fowlersrnkfirearms@hotmail.com
Randall WaldripRnK Fine FirearmsGeneral Artworkgun_man1959@yahoo.com
Randall WaldripRnK FirearmsLongrifles, pistols and fowlersrnkfirearms@hotmail.com
Randall WaldripRnK FirearmsLongrifles, pistols and fowlersrnkfirearms@hotmail.com
Randall WaldripWaldrip’s Rifle ShoppeLongrifles, pistols and fowlersrnkfirearms@hotmail.com
Kevin WaldenGeneral Artworkklwfarm1@aol.com
David Lee Wagner Jr.Longrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: