A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.
Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.
Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:Timothy Hodges AspenShadeLTD.com General Artwork thhodges@comcast.net Timothy Hodges Aspen Shade LTD Longrifles, pistols and fowlers thhodges@comcast.net Ken Hodge General Artwork khodge@benefit-plan-services.com Curtis Hoagland Longrifles, pistols and fowlers hoagland@tctc.com Bill Hixon General Artwork bill.hixon@atk.com Mark Hindelang General Artwork mjhindela@sbcglobal.net Bill Hilling General Artwork whilling@roadrunner.com H. Harvey Hildebrand Hilt and Brand Ink Painting and prints greatart@hiltandbrandink.com Mike Hight General Artwork mikehight54@yahoo.com James S. Hight General Artwork muscle@fairpoint.net Gene High Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com John Hickok General Artwork sisu1st@aol.com John Hickman General Artwork john@intrepidgss.com RON HESS Hunting bags and powder horns rjhess1976@plantationcable.net Ron Hess 1954 Hunting bags and powder horns rjhess1976@plantationcable.net Ronald Hess Hunting bags and powder horns rjhess1976@plantationcable.net Gary Hertzog Longrifles, pistols and fowlers deadbird@zirkel.us Laura Herrington General Artwork Laura.herrington@sbcglobal.net Arthur Hermann General Artwork adherm134@yahoo.com Steve Herburger Hunting bags and powder horns furby5595@hotmail.com Steve Herburger Hunting bags and powder horns furby5595@hotmail.com Janice Hensley Windhil Farm & Spindle Weaving Windhil@all2easy.net Janice Hensley Windhil Farm and Spindle General Artwork hunter.hensley@eku.edu Leonard Henry Henry Long Rifles Longrifles, pistols and fowlers leonard.henry.1948@gmail.com Hap Henriksen General Artwork cla@longrifle.com Virgil Henle Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings Paul Heneghan General Artwork pault5@verizon.net Wayne Hendrix General Artwork whend@charter.net Tony Henderson General Artwork hendersoke@yahoo.com Ray Helmicki General Artwork cla@longrifle.com Dan Heller General Artwork danheller@cox.net Charles Heistand Longrifles, pistols and fowlers cla@longrifle.com Duane F. Heim Hunting bags and powder horns cla@longrifle.com Randy Heil Randys Muzzleloading Parts & Supplies General Artwork jackgarner890@comcast.net Randy Hedden General Artwork harddog44@comcast.net Roger "Butch" Hedberg Jr. General Artwork butch@hplstampings.com J. Wayne Heckert Longrifles, pistols and fowlers DocHeck@aol.com Billy Heck Cumberland Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings billy.heck@yahoo.com Josh Heatherly General Artwork heatherlyfam@yahoo.com Stephen Healey General Artwork shealey11@gmail.com Steven Haywood General Artwork stevenh137@aol.com Jim and Peggy Hays Hays Forge Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings peaceablekingdomfarm@horizonview.net Jim Hays General Artwork peaceablekingdomfarm@earthlink.net John Hayes Hunting bags and powder horns jwhcrosshares@Yahoo.com Charles E. Hayes Hunting bags and powder horns charleshayes@alltel.net Charles Hayes General Artwork charleshayes@windstream.net Ron Hayes General Artwork roncolo@netscape.net KIM HAYES General Artwork trader_kim@yahoo.com WILLIAM HAYDEN General Artwork will@redstick-firearms.com Patricia havens General Artwork pattymyers1@comcast.net Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: