A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.

Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.

Displaying 551 - 600 of 1,762

 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:
William A. FranzLongrifles, pistols and fowlersw.a.franz@worldnet.att.net
Thom FrazierWeeping Heart Gun ShopGeneral Artworkmnthom@arvig.net
Thom FrazierWeeping Heart Gunn ShoppeLongrifles, pistols and fowlersmnthom@arvig.net
Thom FrazierWeeping Heart Gunn ShoppeLongrifles, pistols and fowlersmnthom@arvig.net
Maria FreedPainting and printsmariafreed72@yahoo.com
Maria FreedPainting and printsmariafreed72@yahoo.com
Tad FreiHunting bags and powder hornstadfrei@yahoo.com
Dean Freundretired teacher/4-H volunteerGeneral Artworkohiolivinghistory@verizon.net
Ken FrittsLongrifles, pistols and fowlerskfritts@carolina.rr.com
Elijah FroedgeTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingselijahfroedge@yahoo.com
Rick FroehlichHunting bags and powder hornsrfroehlich1948@cox.net
Dan FruthLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjellowaydan@yourskyrunner.net
Dan FruthGeneral Artworkjellowaydan@gmail.com
Dan FruthLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjellowaydan@gmail.com
R Allen FugateAwiEquaSilverworkawiequa@bellsouth.net
Donald R. FulkersonLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Bill FullerLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
John FundukianGeneral Artworkfundukj2@netzero.net
Buster GaffordTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingscla@longrifle.com
Kenneth GahaganLongrifles, pistols and fowlerskgahagan4@gmail.com
William Mike Gahagan1960Longrifles, pistols and fowlerslongriflemaker@charter.net
Christopher GainesHunting bags and powder hornscgainestarheel@gmail.com
Michael GalbanWa-Nu-Ken Traditional ArtsQuillworkrakini@rochester.rr.com
Ryan GaleQuillworkrrgale@msn.com
Gary GanasGeneral Artworkroho2g@yahoo.com
Larry GandyGeneral Artworkclgandy@googlemail.com
Lowell GardGeneral ArtworkBevelup@msn.com
Larry J. GardnerLongrifles, pistols and fowlersartandarmsltd@starpower.net
Jack GarnerLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Jack GarnerTennessee Valley ManufacturingLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjackkgarner890@gmail.com
Conner GarrettTennessee Valley ManufacturingLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjackkgarner890@gmail.com
Jason GatliffHistorical Enterprises, LLCGeneral Artworkjgatliff78@gmail.com
Elizabeth GaulGeneral Artworkelgaul@peoplepc.com
Thomas GdovinGeneral Artworktom@hplstampings.com
James A. GefrohLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjgefroh@aol.com
Neal GenrichFurniturenorthwoodsneal@hotmail.com
Neal GenrichSouthfork Studio Windsor Chairs and Colonial CraftGeneral Artworksouthforkwindsors@hotmail.com
Larry GeorgeGeneral Artworkwd4irw@mikrotec.com
john getzgetz barrel companyLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscampgetz@peoplepc.com
Donald GetzN/AGeneral Artworkdggetz@nmax.net
Richard (Sailor) GeyerRich'd Geyer FlintlocksLongrifles, pistols and fowlersflintlock1750@gmail.com
Dick GeyerRH Geyer FlintlocksLongrifles, pistols and fowlersflintlock1750@gmail.com
Richard H (Dick) GeyerLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
peter geysmansHunting bags and powder horns
peter geysmansHunting bags and powder hornspetergeysmans@hotmail.com
Ronald GholsonGeneral Artworkrgholson@farmworldonline.com
Karl GibbsAbitibi AccoutrementsLongrifles, pistols and fowlersabitibiaccoutrements@gmail.com
John GiblinGreybear LeatherHunting bags and powder hornsgreybear2@comcast.net
Larry GibsonGeneral ArtworkGobbletn@aol.com
Shelly GierJ&S Gier, ArtificersHunting bags and powder hornsShellycamps1790@gmail.com
 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: