A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.

Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.

Displaying 1,551 - 1,600 of 1,762

 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:
Robert ThompsonLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Dean ThompsonGeneral Artworkthompsonmrn1@aol.com
Clifford D. ThrasherGeneral Artworkcdt2@comcast.net
Mike TiltonOld Barn WoodshopHunting bags and powder hornsMike@oldbarnwoodshop.com
Frederick TimLongrifles, pistols and fowlerstimguns@ptd.net
Gary TinglerHunting bags and powder hornsTreeingwalkers@hotmail.com
Gary TinglerGeneral ArtworkTreeingwalker@hotmail.com
Gary TinglerHunting bags and powder hornsTreeingwalkers@hotmail.com
Hugh ToenjesHandmade Firelocks by H. Toenjes Longrifles, pistols and fowlershjt65@hotmail.com
Jeffrey A. TogieGeneral Artworkbutnewa@comcast.net
Christine TolbertOnce Upon A LoomWeaving18thcenturyweaver@gmail.com
Bernie TolinoLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Daniel TompkinsGeneral Artworkmuzzlegun@msn.com
Marc TornichioGeneral Artworkmarctorch@hotmail.com
Michael TorrenteGeneral Artworkmjtorrente@comcast.net
Alex TorresLonghorn-SupplierHunting bags and powder hornsmichelletorres72@comcast.net
Jill TrailGeneral Artworkjtrail2001@yahoo.com
Butch TraversGeneral Artworkedwin.travers@verizon.net
Yosef TrillingScrimshaw Powder Horns by YOSEFHunting bags and powder hornsytrilling@kc.rr.com
Wayne TroutLongrifles, pistols and fowlerswayne.trout@gmail.com
warren troutFish's Shining TimeGeneral Artworkshiningtime2@yahoo.com
Trinity TrouttTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingstctroutt@winsupplyinc.com
jim truebloodvintage arms gunsmithingLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjtmary@nctv.com
Djuana TuckerQuillworkdjuana70@yahoo.com
Gary TuckerLongrifles, pistols and fowlersLeftear555@aol.com
bernie tulinoGeneral Artworkbjthome@verizon.net
Bernie E. TulinoPioneer Arms Co.General Artworkbjtjunk@verizon.net
Ron TurnerFrom Days of YoreHunting bags and powder hornsrdknturner@aol.com
John Turner, JRGeneral Artworkjojuturner@comcast.net
James TurpinPrimitive Arts VideoLongrifles, pistols and fowlersinfo@primitiveartsvideo.com
Dennis TurpinTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsoaturpin@bis.midco.net
James TurpinGeneral Artworkturpins@everestkc.net
John TweedieThe Powder Horn Trading PostGeneral Artworkjtweedie41@yahoo.com
Frank TylerHunting bags and powder hornscla@longrifle.com
Mark TylerGeneral Artworkmarktyler@gmail.com
gerald tylerGeneral Artworkmaxdog.tyler@gmail.com
gerald tylerGeneral Artworkmaxdog@q.com
Kevin W. UlreyGeneral Artworkkevin.ulrey@snwa.com
Kevin UlreyGeneral Artworkpkulrey@aol.com
Dwight David UmbelHunting bags and powder hornsnazarene@windstream.net
dwight (david) umbelHunting bags and powder hornsnazarene@windstream.net
Edward UngermanGeneral ArtworkMuggsy1776@Mac.com
Norm UphamGeneral Artworkc.inder3@telus.net
Justin UrbantasMeska HomesteadTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsblacksmithju@hotmail.com
David UtzThree Valley Art, Antiques & CollectiblesHunting bags and powder horns3valley@berkshire.rr.com
David UtzThree Valley Art, Antiques & CollectiblesTomahawks, axes, knives and forgings3valley@berkshire.rr.com
Ron Vailhttp://ronvailpowderhorns.com/Hunting bags and powder hornswolfcreek94@hotmail.com
Joseph ValentinLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjnvalentin@gmail.com
Eric Van AlstineHunting bags and powder hornseric.vanalstine@gmail.com
 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: