A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.

Artisans interested in having their own page on the site may add or update their profile by logging into the Members Only box at the top right side of the Home Page. Listing is free to members. If you know of a deceased artist or non-member artist, please send a profile and up to 4 photographs (digital or hard copy) by email or mail to the office so that we may create a listing for that individual.

Displaying 151 - 200 of 1,762

 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email:
Kevin BlevinsPhoenix Mountain FlintlocksLongrifles, pistols and fowlerskevinblevins2211@gmail.com
Kevin BlevinsPhoenix Mountain FlintlocksLongrifles, pistols and fowlerskevinblevins2211@gmail.com
Kevin BlevinsPhoenix Mountain fFintlock'sLongrifles, pistols and fowlerskevinblevins2211@gmail.com
Jack BlighTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsTnblacksmith@aol.com
Jack BlighTnBlacksmithGeneral ArtworkTnblacksmith@aol.com
Jack BlighTnblacksmithTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingstnblacksmith@aol.com
Jim BoekeRiver Junction Trade CoGeneral Artworktheboss@alpinecom.net
Paul BoeretHunting bags and powder hornscla@longrifle.com
Robert BoggsLongrifles, pistols and fowlersboggsr.knife@gmail.com
Corey BoiseWoodland WarclubsGeneral Artworkwoodlandwarclubs@gmail.com
Steven BolLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjakob.bol@gmail.com
chuck boldingNaGeneral Artworkchucksbackhand@yahoo.com
Michael BondPrairie Creek Books LLC.General Artworkprairiecreekbooks@gmail.com
Michael BondPrairie Creek Books LLC.General Artworkprairiecreekbooks@gmail.com
Keith BonhamKeith F.BonhamLongrifles, pistols and fowlersbonham243@gmail.com
David BookGeneral Artworkmctrade@ymail.com
Steven BookoutLongrifles, pistols and fowlerstoadhall@pcpartner.net
Tim BooneLongrifles, pistols and fowlerstimothy.boone@comcast.net
David M. BordersDeathWind FirearmsGeneral Artworkdborders@deathwind.com
W. R. BorkLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Leroy BosankoHunting bags and powder hornscutfingers1570@sbcglobal.net
Daniel L. BosquesHunting bags and powder hornsdlbosques@aol.com
Jeff BottigerJB HornsHunting bags and powder hornsozarkhorns@gmail.com
Jeff BottigerJB HornsHunting bags and powder hornsozarkhorns@gmail.com
John BourkeGeneral Artworkjohnbourke50@gmail.com
Richard BowerGeneral Artworkrpbwr@yahoo.com
Ted BowlingLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Jim BowmanLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Ernest BoydHunting bags and powder hornscla@longrifle.com
Ernie BoydEBoyd Leather and HornGeneral Artworkboyd1776@gmail.com
Rand BoydGeneral Artworklt_dragoon@hotmail.com
Michael BoydGeneral Artworkmikehenryboyd@yahoo.com
Kermit BoykinGeneral Artwork338shooter@skybest.com
Wyatt BraatenS-Mountain GunsmithingLongrifles, pistols and fowlerssmountainguns@gmail.com
Tom BradleyWestwood Community ChurchGeneral Artworkpastortbb@gmail.com
Tom BradleyGeneral Artworkpastortbb@gmail.com
Mary BrandenburgBrandenburg StorehouseGeneral Artworkkinjano@comcast.net
Michael BransonLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
David BrattainGeneral Artworkjohnboy_46163@yahoo.com
David BrattainTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsjohnboy_46163@yahoo.com
Dan E. BrawnerLongrifles, pistols and fowlersbraw@charter.net
Gregory BrayTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsinfo@prickettsfort.org
JACK BRAYBIG BEAR TRADERSTomahawks, axes, knives and forgingsbigbear19446@yahoo.com
Richard BrayGeneral Artworkrbray1@twcny.rr.com
BreitensteinBreitenstein Longrifle ShopsLongrifles, pistols and fowlerscla@longrifle.com
Judson BrennanLongrifles, pistols and fowlersakrider18@hotmail.com
Julie BrennanHunting bags and powder hornscla@longrifle.com
Jesse Brennanwww.wix.com/jessebrennan/artsmithLongrifles, pistols and fowlersjessebrennanartsmith@gmail.com
Jesse BrennanJ. Brennan Co.General ArtworkJessebrennanartsmith@live.com
 Artisan Name Company Artisan Category Email: