A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.
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Artisan Name | T.C. Albert |
Artisan Category | Hunting bags and powder horns |
Artisan Bio | T.C. Albert designs and reproduces authentically crafted hunting pouches in a variety of traditional styles, often using measured patterns taken directly from original pouches in his "jury quality" re-creations. T.C. will also accept pouch restoration/conservation work, and consignments for copies of specific documented originals or special one of a kind custom designs. Completely equipped bag, horn and knife sets are also available. He is the author of the book "Recreating The 18th Century Hunting Pouch," , and is a staff writer for Muzzle Loader magazine, writing the "Do'in it Yourself" column...T.C. lives and works in the historic "Illinois River Valley" near legendary Starved Rock. (References and current available pieces sent upon request.) contact me via e:mail : huntingpouch@gmail.com |
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Address | 807 N. 2803 road Utica, IL 61373 United States of America Map It |
Email: | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |