A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.
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Artisan Name | Lane Dawson |
Artisan Category | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings |
Artisan Bio | Self-taught beginning at the age of 12, Lane learned to create knives and muzzleloading rifles and pistols by fabricating each part--from the wood and antler handles and hand forged metal blades of knives to the wood stock and grips of muzzleloaders and each individual metal part on a firearm including short barrels, locks, triggers, magazines, and accessory parts such as the butt plate, patch box, etc. --completely by hand from the raw materials through hand fabricating processes such as forging , cutting, filing, and machining with a metal lathe, |
Company | Dawson Custom Hand-Forged Knives |
Featured Image | ![]() |
Address | P.O. Box 75 Weippe, ID 83553 United States Map It |
Phone | (208) 435-4577 |
Email: | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |