A listing of known artisans (alive & deceased), compiled for research purposes.
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Artisan Name | Carroll Ross |
Artisan Category | Furniture |
Artisan Bio | Bentwood boxes have been made and used for storage in European cultures for several hundred years. My boxes are made by using 18th Century bending and shaping techniques, and they are appropriate for any 18th Century living history interpretation. They also look extremely well in houses with either rustic or Early American décor. Bentwood boxes similar to the ones I make were used by men in their shops and by women in the homes to store small items. I also use historical reproduction paints for my boxes, similar in color to boxes found on boxes in 18th Century museums in America. My boxes have been juried in the Directory of Early American Crafts by Early American Life Magazine. With proper use, my boxes will last for years. C. Ross |
Address | P.O. Box 336 Etowah, TN 37331 United States Map It |
Phone | (423) 263-1732 |
Email: | CRoss1732@gmail.com |