
Bark and Quill Keepsake


Added on: December 15, 2024
Sold By Benner, Nate

Please Contact The Artisan Directly for Purchasing Information:

All Sales are handled between the seller and buyer. The CLA has no involvement in the exchange.

Product Description

I made this small cylinder box from eastern white birch in the traditional North Woodland fashion with the outer bark on the inside of the container. The exposed inner bark has darkened nicely over the years. The approx 2 3/4 lid of the box is adorned with a simple porcupine quill design, and it’s all sewn together with nettle cordage. Price includes shipping anywhere in the continental US.

Please Contact Artisan Directly for Purchasing Information:

Nate Benner

896 Long Run Rd.

Mill Hall,  PA

Phone: 814-222-4113