Artisan NameAndrew Knez, Jr.
Artisan CategoryPainting and prints
Artisan Bio

Andrew has been marketing prints of his work since the spring of 2001 and has had excellent response from historians, re-enactors and the general public. He now has over thirty galleries and dealers, mostly in the Tri-State area; however, he is expanding the amount of shows and historical events at which his work will be shown.

Andrew's work usually depicts the life and struggles of the average person of the 1750 through 1830 period in the area known as the "Western Frontier" (Western Pennsylvania, Western Virginia and Ohio). This was a time when survival was placed directly upon the shoulders of the individual. There were a great many heroes, whose deeds for the most part have gone unrecorded, that survived and flourished in that dangerous time.

Andrew's material comes from extensive research, into period journals, diaries, archival civilian and military records. He has a number of experts of the period with whom he consults on particular details of an intended painting. It is not uncommon for the research into a particular portrayal of an event to take much longer than the actual painting.

You may visit Andrew's website at

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Image GalleryImage Gallery
AddressPO Box 1451
McMurray, PA 15317
United States of America
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