Artisan NameTerry Crawford
Artisan CategoryHunting bags and powder horns
Artisan Bio

Presenting leather bags of the highest quality, each one custom-designed, cut, sewn and finished by hand.

These are historically accurate bags that are carried by living history enthusiasts, from the French and Indian War period through the fur trade era. They are also suitable for use as elegant shooting bags, and are popular among muzzle loading aficionados, as well as collectors.

Every bag is unique, fashioned from fine hides of elk, deer and soft-tanned steer. Solid brass buckles and D-rings are sourced from the Amish harness makers in Pennsylvania, as are the oil dyes used on the bags. Period-correct brass buttons are used on the front flap, and bone buttons are used on the smaller back pockets.

If you are interested in fine bags, please contact me. You may call 410-256-1994 and leave a message, or you may email me at ,I attend various Colonial Market Fairs and Shows throughout the year, where I display my work. Please see The Calendar on my web site for some of these events. I can arrange to meet you there.

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Address8 Krisswood Ct.
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