Artisan NameTamara Ponyi
Artisan CategoryPainting and prints
Artisan Bio

Artist: Tamara Ponyi

Tamara Ponyi is a native of Southern Illinois. Tamara is a self taught artist and historical reinactor of 27 years. Her love of 17th century folk art and nature are often reflected in a unique style which is influenced by ancient Celtic and German fraktur pieces.

Tamara incorporates her own style and designs pieces which are reminiscent of nature and animals often seen in frakturs (e.g. colorful tulips, springing deer, peacocks, lions, turkeys, foxes, horses, and unicorns).

Tamara works in a medium of opaque water colors called guash. The colors she uses are reminiscent of those of the time period. She demonstrates at colonial trade fares across the United States.

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Address525 Rolling Hills Drive
St. Charles, MO 63304
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