Artisan NameBryant White
CompanyWhite Historic Art
Artisan CategoryPainting and prints
Artisan Bio

When in 9th Grade, Bryant was asked "Do you want to be an artist when you grow up?". He replied "How old do you have to be to be an artist?". Painting ever since, and attending University of Maryland to attain a BA in Visual Arts & Graphic Design, Bryant White is always seeking the best setting for his subjects. In his love of history he has gained insight to the lives of people of the past...countless hours of reading diaries & accounts gives inspiration for his works, as well as participating in 18th Century Living History programs for over thirtyfive years. "Even in today's mass media, all events and happenings are not portrayed...I hope to capture that historic moment in time, meaningful to one person, or to an entire nation". Currently he resides in South Central Pennsylvania, working at home and in the studio nearby. More work can be viewed at

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Address1330 Bunker Hill Road
Everett, PA 15537
United States of America
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