Mike Atkinson | | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | amcat@scrtc.com |
Eddie Atnip | | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | eatnip@glasgow-ky.com |
Eddie Atnip | | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | eatnip@glasgow-ky.com |
Alan Auricchio | | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | club_otis@yahoo.com |
Nick Bachtel | Nick M. Bachtel Steel & Leather | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | Nickbachtel28@gmail.com |
Rick Baker | ColonialRifleSmith.com | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | ricklorieba@gmail.com |
Brian Barker | | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | squirehawk1774@hotmail.com |
Frank Barnes Jr | Flying B Forge | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | flyingbknives@yahoo.com |
Travis Bauer | A Second Chance at History | Hunting bags and powder horns | asecondchanceathistory@gmail.com |
Travis Bauer | A Second Chance at History | Hunting bags and powder horns | Asecondchanceathistory@gmail.com |
joed baxter | J.Baxter Powder horns | Hunting bags and powder horns | jdbaxter87@gmail.com |
Cheryl Bednar | Superior Stencils | General Artwork | superiorstencils@gmail.com |
Mike Beliveau | Free lance writer | General Artwork | duelist@ptd.net |
Jay Blain | Springfield Mountain Accoutrements | Hunting bags and powder horns | Jayblain8@gmail.com |
Kevin Blevins | Phoenix Mountain Flintlocks | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | kevinblevins2211@gmail.com |
Kevin Blevins | Phoenix Mountain Flintlocks | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | kevinblevins2211@gmail.com |
Robert Boggs | | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | boggsr.knife@gmail.com |
Corey Boise | Woodland Warclubs | General Artwork | woodlandwarclubs@gmail.com |
Michael Bond | Prairie Creek Books LLC. | General Artwork | prairiecreekbooks@gmail.com |
Keith Bonham | Keith F.Bonham | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | bonham243@gmail.com |
Tim Boone | | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | timothy.boone@comcast.net |
David Brattain | | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | johnboy_46163@yahoo.com |
Dick Bray | | Hunting bags and powder horns | rbray1@twcny.rr.com |
David Brennan | David Brennan | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | brennandavid49@gmail.com |
john brewer | none | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | edithbrewer2@gmail.com |
Bob Browder | Longhunter Leather Company | Hunting bags and powder horns | |
Gary Brown | Brown County Bags, Horns and Accouterments | Hunting bags and powder horns | angusrosie@gmail.com |
Michael Bruch | | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | mgbruch@gmail.com |
Douglas Burgess | | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | shilohshooter@aol.com |
David Burkitt | Burkitt Knives | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | dburkitt@ppg.com |
Mark A. Burleigh | MBurleigh Custom Trade Silver | Silverwork | customtradesilver@gmail.com |
Emily Burns | Wool and Weeds | General Artwork | emilyd.burns@yahoo.com |
Charles Burton | FCI Barrels | Furniture | flintlockcalb50@hotmail.com |
Charles Burton | FCI Barrels | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | flintlockcalb50@hotmail.com |
Charles Burton | FCI Barrels | General Artwork | Flintlockcalb50@hotmail.com |
Michael Butcher | Mr. | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | mikebutcher68@yahoo.com |
Phillip Campbell | | Hunting bags and powder horns | hashslasher7@yahoo.com |
gary capraro | MANDARIN JEWLERS | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | VGCAP@AOL.COM |
Kyle Carroll | Kyle Carroll Art | Painting and prints | kyle.l.carroll@gmail.com |
Franklin Chambers | Eastern Woodland living History | Hunting bags and powder horns | |
David Chelf | | General Artwork | davidchelf67@gmail.com |
Mike Dray | Mike Dray Tradegoods | Hunting bags and powder horns | tammie.clevenger@comcast.net |
Michael Conkling | Prairie Designs et cetera LLc | Hunting bags and powder horns | jmconkling@gmail.com |
Barry Conner | One Who Trades | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | barryconner01@gmail.com |
Jack Coray | | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | jackcoray@gmail.com |
Verlin Cossel | | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | verlin@hotmail.com |
Greg Cox | | Tomahawks, axes, knives and forgings | greg_cox75@yahoo.com |
Cody Crain | | Hunting bags and powder horns | b.wilson22092@yahoo.com |
Christopher Crosby | 4&20Blackbyrds | Hunting bags and powder horns | ccrosby1969@live.com |
Chris Crosby | 4&20Blackbyrds | Longrifles, pistols and fowlers | ccrosby1969@live.com |