Artisan NameDean Freund
Artisan CategoryGeneral Artwork
Artisan Bio

John "Dean" Freund, grew up in Mansfield, Ohio and began building flintlock rifles in 1999. He became interested in reenacting in the 1990's. He has had some art training an dsome experience in art and graphic design. He has always enjoyed crafting items that he needs. Upon retiring in March of 1999, Dean began extensive volunteer work with the 4-H in the State of Ohio. He enjoys teaching period skills to youth and facilitating adult gun and knife workshops. In 2000-2002 he added powder horns, knives and rifleman's bags. Dean has worked on a part-time basis since retirement in 1999.

Companyretired teacher/4-H volunteer
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Address27123 TR 340
warsaw, OH 43844
United States of America
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