Artisan Namefloyd hart
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

Building longrifles since 1978. Avid buckskinner since 1965. My first blackpowder gun was a fowling piece from Speigel catalogue at the age of11. Of course the gun was much longer than I was tall but somehow I managed to constantly shoot and work with it. I wish I still had the old piece...54 cal or 28 guage made in Belgium. I finally got a mold from some outfit called Dixie Gun Works. After hearing not to shoot modern powder I got a can of 3f but still tore my dads shotgun shells apart to get buckshot. Without somehow killing myself or anyone else, I slowly learned the ways of blackpowder and still learning today. There is no way of estimating how many guns I have built from scratch or redone, some originals for shop projects in high school. I still manage to crank out at least one a year, not ignoring those who want me to build them a rifle. I have been a NMLRA member for 30 years on and off, and a CLA member for the last 4 years and a couple before that just piddling a bit in building guns again after retiring and being disabled for the last five years. Mostly now I try to enjoy life as much as possible, but COPD and other health issues make it difficult but I aint dead yet!!!! Enjoy all of the freedoms we enjoy and fight to keep them...Floyd {Watermelon} Hart.

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