Artisan NameCurt Lyles
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

Curt has been blacksmithing since 1991. His work includes various styles of hardware for restored cabins as well as new homes, timberframes, barns, etc. He also makes knives, axes, and various other accouterments. He especially enjoys using them and putting them to the test out in the back woods. He built his first Tennessee rifle for squirrel hunting back in the early '80's after becoming a bit bored with modern guns. His favorite styles today are the iron mounted southern rifles and fowlers, which he uses for hunting turkey, squirrel, and deer. Visit him on the web at or at or call him at 574-825-9853.
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Address13993 County Road 12
Middlebury, IN 46540
United States of America
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