Artisan NameKarl Fisher
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

Karl Fisher was born on June 20, 1943, in Bedford, Indiana. Growing up on a farm gave him a life long love of shooting and hunting. His first job after school took him to Shelbyville, Indiana which was then the home of the National Muzzleloading Rifle Association. There he met Morris Van Way, a long time President of the association who talked him into buying a muzzle loading rifle. It became a life long love affair with historical firearms. A few years later he met a talented builder who became a great friend and finally forced him in to building his own rifle.

Today Karl builds a variety of 18th century weapons and associated items including rifles,fowlers,pistols, tomahawks, knives and war clubs. He prefers to create his own historical interpretations of items but can copy an original piece.
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Address1390 Starr Circle
Broadview Heights, OH 44147
United States of America
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Phone216 496-2120
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