Artisan NameJeff Bottiger
Artisan CategoryHunting bags and powder horns
Artisan Bio

Thank you for looking at my artisan profile. My name is Jeff Bottiger. I grew up in Northwestern Missouri. I was first introduced to shooting black powder in the mid 70's while in my early teens. Needless to say, I was hooked. I always enjoyed making things as a kid. I made my first powder horn at the age of 13. I have always been fasinated with powder horns. I mainly made powder horns for family and friends. In 1990 I made by first fully engraved map horn with the help of Tom Bowen who would bring in various books on powder horns and would let me sit in a corner of the gun shop and read for as long as I wanted. When that first map horn was completed, Tom said, "I'm proud of you, you did a good job!" He'll never know what that meant to me. I contined to make a few horns here and there through the years. In 2006 with the encouragement of Ed Wilde, Mike and Barbie Hays, Harris Maupin and most of all, my wife, I decided I would try to make and sell powder horns and accoutrements on a full time basis. There are times that I wonder if I'm crazy or a fool or maybe both! But I always think back to that very first horn that I made at the age of 13 when my neighbor, Dale Davenport, told me that I had a talent. I believe talents are a gift from God and it is my responsibility to use them and see where it takes me. On this journey I have been blessed with the support of many. I have had write ups on my horn work in "On The Trail", "Muzzleloader", and "Muzzleblast" magazines. In 2006 when I established JB Horns, I decided on this simple mission statement, "To Learn, To Grow, To Share and To Educate." I thank you again for looking at my horns and my profile.

CompanyJB Horns
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Address13851 CR 6040
Edgar Springs, MO 65462
United States of America
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