Artisan NameDarrin McDonal
Artisan CategoryLongrifles, pistols and fowlers
Artisan Bio

Darrin is a full time gunsmith at Colonial Williamsburg and has been building muzzle loading guns for most of his life. Darrin started Frontier Flintlocks in 2006 and has built more than 50 custom longrifles, fowlers, trade guns and pistols for customers.
Darrin started his hand at gunsmithing when he was twelve years old and ended up with a functioning piece though he admits " It wasn't pretty, but it was a start". Darrin now builds mostly what he wants to build and will offer the finished pieces for sale when they are ready.
*These are not guns built in the Colonial Williamsburg gunsmithshop. You will have to contact that shop for guns built there.
>If anyone is interested in having their name added to the waiting list to purchase a finished piece from Darrin, feel free to email him at

CompanyFrontier Flintlocks
Featured ImageFeatured Image
AddressWilliamsburg, Virginia
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Phone(757) 345-3308
Email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.