Artisan NameSteven Kelly
Artisan CategoryHunting bags and powder horns
Artisan Bio

Hello my name is Steve Kelly,
I am privileged to live in the great state of
South Dakota!
…….”where the buffalo roam and the deer and the antelope play”!
Speaking of Buffalo. Over the last few years my interest in horn building has brought me to the American Bison. I have tried to give the bison powder horn the credit it deserves. Whether it’s an eastern style or western fur trade. No two are alike and I believe my horns have a personality about them when completed.
I hope that my powder horns will be heirloom pieces to those who seek out my work.

Many years back when I lived in Illinois I was introduced to Rendezvous through my dad’s best friend and wife. Since I attended my very first event I have lived my life with a mentality and a deep appreciation of Native American culture, for those who braved the frontier, and for those who fought and built our great nation.
For over thirty years my path has crossed with so many talented artists and craftsmen who have inspired me to hone my talents and skills. Many of these people have become life long friends whom I consider family!

It is my honor to be in the company of the CLA artists and organization.
And I look forward to the relationships I will make along the way!

Steven Kelly

Address811 Sibert Place
Pierre, South Dakota 5751
United States
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Phone(605) 222-1400
Email:Email hidden; Javascript is required.